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Re: Henge corrals?
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Far from it Peter, I was think in terms of British henges in general. There are certain design features that distinguish henges from other monuments.
Why shouldn't henges come in different sizes. Take for example places of worship in the christian era, they vary in size from roadside shrines through to chapels, churches, cathedrals to the Vatican City - a modern city state. The same rules apply for many of the worlds belief systems both ancient and modern.

I asked for one piece of archaeological evidence to back up your assertion that these structures were used as corrals. I don't think this is an unreasonable request after all, there are people on this board who get a lot of stick from making assertions which they cannot back up with any evidence.

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Posted by fitzcoraldo
19th December 2005ce

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Re: Henge corrals? (PeterH)

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Re: Henge corrals? (PeterH)

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