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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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I have no idea of the numbers of people involved, actually or theoretically, but the factual numbers on record are based on what PAS has recorded. According to the PAS thread, is seems that all FLO's are overworked and unable (as opposed to unwilling) to get everything done. The number of detectorists quoted as recording is set at 2400 or thereabouts, according to PAS. But how many of the items reported but not recorded were handed in by detectorists (around three times the number reported against those recorded).

Being devils advocate.....

Using the same sort of maths as being used previously this equates to:

2400 X 3 = 7200 detectorists reporting.

Which, in all fairness to them, puts a different light on things.

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Posted by Cheshireman
11th August 2005ce

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