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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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Hi, Nigel,

"On that basis I think a "bigger PAS" is definitely not on the cards. More finds and a consequent lower unit cost per find is the only likely ambition. That or no PAS."

Good point - value for money is everything, these days! I suppose a partially-effective scheme is better than no scheme at all - and all those lovely buckles to boot: where's me Brasso?

I was interested to read in the Final Report that the FLO's don't have the time to make regular repeat visits to MD clubs:

<i>Once established in an area, FLOs tend to visit clubs less often and rely more on finders contacting them or bringing their discoveries to finds days or museums. The FLOs interviewed commented that it is not possible to sustain the high level of club visits demanded at the outset with all the other tasks of their role and pragmatic decisions have to be taken. From the point of view of metal-detecting clubs, the FLOs' withdrawal after an initial period of familiarisation may be viewed negatively. There were a number of comments about infrequency of visits and the need to maintain good relationships with clubs.</i>

...which of course would be improved with better (increased) funding for the PAS: and mean more finds being reported, probably. As you say, munching the mound is going to take a huge pot - perhaps TB can forgoe his make-up allowance (or get his wife to put some of the "milk money" she gets for being his wife (and thus "a draw" on the circuit) in to boost the coffers....) :-)


Pilgrim (lightheaded from the Nitro-Mors, despite being in a wind tunnel; I'm off for some fresh air!).

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Posted by Pilgrim
4th August 2005ce

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