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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: Edward Duke's Mundane System
30 messages
Select a forum: reports that, "The discovery, coupled with other recent finds such as Sedna and Quaoar, suggests other large objects may lurk in the murky region beyond Neptune."

So, we have not only Sedna and Quaoar but 2003 EL61 as well - and all well beyond my orbit of understanding but, then again, where did I put that Shanghai Museum catalogue and it's slightly easier to comprehend
pictures of Fuxi and Nuwa? Ah here it is...

Fuxi and Nuwa are shown as male and female deities. Their lower parts are depicted as entwined 'serpents' while the upper parts are human. Fuxi, the male, is shown holding a carpenter's square in his left hand and a carpenter's ink marker in his right. Nuwa, the female, holds in her right hand a compass and in her left four short sticks. Apart from the sun and eleven encircling planets between and above them, Aries, Orion, Pegasus the Pleiades and a comet are also depicted.

The two paintings date from the between AD 618-907 and were excavated from tombs 40 and 121 at Astana, Tuluflan City in 1969.*

* Source: Catalogue of <b>Archaeological Treasures of the Silk Road in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region</b>; Shanghai Museum.

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Posted by Littlestone
30th July 2005ce

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