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Re: Your favourite 'significant landscape feat...
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In <b>Oxfordshire</b>, modern day significant landscape feature: Beckley Mast: (what a fascinating website)

Ancient s/l feature: Uffington Castle, seen from the path to Wayland's Smithy: (thanks to RiotGibbon)

In <b>North Wales</b>, modern day s/lf: Stanlow Oil Refinery, esp. at night from the M56:

and Rhug Organic Farm:

Ancient: Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen:


Beckley Mast stands out for miles across the flatness of Oxfordshire; whenever it came into sight at the end of a journey, I knew I was nearly home - and it has nice red lights at night so air traffic know it's there.

Uffington Castle from that viewpoint is so timeless and magical it's fabulous.

Stanlow Oil Refinery is pretty hideous, really, but at night it is an industrial photographer's dream; indeed, any photographer's dream. (Incidentally, the guy who took the pic I have linked to did a bloody good job, as Brymbo is part of Wrexham, and approx. 35 miles away from Stanlow). It's also half-way to my Mum's!

Rhug Organic Farm is where we always stop for a coffee when heading westwards on adventures in Snowdonia etc; usually means a megalith will be involved . . . :o)

Castell Dinas Bran was one of the methods Kate used to seduce me; it is the most amazing landscape feature, and has to be seen from Trevor Rocks for the full impact. I shall take some piccies for TMA. A truly cracking place.

treaclechops x

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Posted by treaclechops
19th March 2005ce

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