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Re: Arthur chucking rocks about
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Here's another story; The Great chase of Twrch Tryth, the boar, took place thro Wales. He landed at Porth Cleis, which is very near st.David, and Arthur and his band of warriors and dogs, too numerous to mention chased him and his progeny all the way down thro Wales to the R.Severn, or Havren. In a new edition of the Mabingion, the notes of Lady Charlotte Guest (19th c translator are included) and she traces their path thro the naming of Arthurian sites and also one of his hunting dogs Cavall. to quote" On the Llangadack side of the Black Mountain we meet the british monarch in Pen Arthur and Coiten Arthur. The latter is one of two large rocks in the bed of the Sawdde river, said to have been flung from the summit of Pen Arthur to its present position"..
Its interesting that she also says that where Twrch Tryth crossed the R.severn at Llinlivan, another story appears, which must relate to the spring tide that travels up the river in the form of a bore, (people water ski on it, great excitement in Somerset when it appears). The story form is slightly more exaggerated,.
And goes thus, that there is a lake called Llyn Llivan near the River Severn, and that when the sea flowed the lake received all that water into it,and swallowed it as though it had been a mountain, until it overflowed its banks......
When the train tunnel that went under the Bristol channel was built in the 19th C, they broached a great spring of fresh water, pumping out thousands of gallons a day into the sea, and pumps were installed to keep it out of the tunnel, still pumped today. So the Severn must have been a very magical river, with the river Usk also emptying out into it, both rivers joining to meet the sea.

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Posted by moss
7th March 2005ce

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