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Re: Arthur chucking rocks about
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>which sounds just the ticket.

It certainly does. I think I'll give it a go. There are some other interesting looking books there too.

I've got to get back up Kings/Queens crags, they've got me hooked. I want to find the cave of the old tales. It exists, I think, but sleeping kings and knights, I'm not so sure about. (It would be nice to be proved wrong though).

I daren't go down as far as Slaggyford Stonelifter, I might get too distracted and never want to return to the Whin Sll ;) I was looking at the book of the telly prog you mention, which I missed. It (the book) was a bit duff. Unlike Old Mr Bruce's magnificent Septathingy wotsitsname*, which has nice engravings of things that look like raised CnRs on altars. I digress.

*How's that for an immaculately unambiguous reference eh?

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Posted by Hob
4th March 2005ce

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Re: Arthur chucking rocks about (StoneLifter)

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