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Re: As one barrow closes another one opens
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Look what happened when the BBC got involved in the Silbury Extravaganza in the 70s - it was done with 'ooh there'll be treasure inside' in mind, and the guy they got to do it apparently had loads of previous digs he hadn't written up properly if at all. Excavation is inherently destructive. I don't buy the idea that (should you ever excavate) then waiting isn't a good idea. If you're developing new techniques you can practise them anywhere, it doesn't have to be a prime archaeological site.
Anyway, Pete, you're right. It's mere trolling. If LS wanted a discussion on the merits/otherwise on excavating sites then he could have asked for one, but instead he uses emotive language and chooses the perfect monument, effectively saying 'They should flatten East Kennett', it's just bait for winding people up - not an invitation to intelligent discussion. But we all knew that.

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Posted by Rhiannon
11th November 2004ce

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Re: As one barrow closes another one opens (Spaceship mark)

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