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Glandwr Churchyard
Re: Glandwr churchyard
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Hi Kammer - I'm an enthusiastic beginner! Long standing interest in circles and a general inclination towards paganism (midsummer at Avebury for the last few years and Samhain/Beltane at Stanton Drew) kind of led me to this site, as did young Goffik - have had some smashing days out with G and his lovely missus.

I'm a total technophobe so I've got a lot to learn about jpegs and pixies and all that stuff. But so far so good - will def be going back to Pembrokeshire before too long cos we only scratched the surface. What a fantastic place to live, I'm dead jealous! Also thinking about a look around the Brecon Beacons before too long - any ideas?

Blonde x

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Posted by Blonde
25th October 2004ce

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Re: Glandwr churchyard (Kammer)

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Re: Glandwr churchyard (Kammer)

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