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I've just come across this posted from you Earthstopper:

"Yes and if we really want to get real we could post prohibition notices from Heritage inAction. Case solved - cue more four lettered words from Four Winds who just has to spit out his dummy when anyone holds a different view to his own."

I'm doubly puzzled -

First, no-one from Heritage Action had been involved in this spat (perhaps you thought otherwise?). So why the sideswipe, out of the blue?

Secondly, could you explain the evidence on which you based your opinion that HA is inactive? I'm agog.

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Posted by nigelswift
29th September 2004ce

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Re: Please do not climb Copt Howe (Earthstepper)

2 replies:

Re: 'ERE! (FourWinds)
Re: 'ERE! (Earthstepper)

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