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West Kennett
Re: West Kennet is a mess!
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Well I go up there regularly and take away loads of candle trays, rubbish etc.
The candles have burnthuge streaks in the stones.
EH & NT don't bother cleaning it at all.
There is always chalked crap on the cap stones.
Halloween coming up soon and if its like last year I will have to clean up the burnt fireworks etc.
Similar things go on at Stoney Littleton in somerset which is the finest barrow in the whole counrty. Although smaller than the Kennet every stone has fossils on and it is fabulous.
I wish someone would give me a bloody job...
Pete G

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Pete G
Posted by Pete G
1st October 2001ce

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West Kennet is a mess! (jelliott71)

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Re: West Kennet is a mess! (RiotGibbon)

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