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"Why the Stonehenge of the North?

As far back as 1908 the Thornborough Henges have been considered as impressive as Stonehenge, They are approx. 12 times the size of Stonehenge and are the only triple henge monumentment in the world, what they lack in stones they more than make up in massive scale.

The ritual landscape at Thornborough began in 3,500BC and had a continued development until after 2,000 BC - These monuments were in constant use for longer than the Christian Church has existed. They are the North of Englands most important ancient remains.

Think of Westminster Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral and York Minster brought together in a single place - for our neolithic ancestors this is what we had here at Thornborough.

These henges did not exist in isolation, people came from all over Britain to perform there ceremonies, and like our great cathedral towns the Thornborough landscape became peppered with other monuments, shrines, burial grounds and living places.

What are the current proposals?

With the two proposals Tarmac are to remive all land surrounding the henges to within approx. 10m of them. What will be left will be a deep water filled ditch which will be 8m deep and up to half a kilometer wide. This will completely ruin the setting of the henges and destroy the archaeology that remains within.

The current quarry has already destroyed two neolithic villages, along with a burial ground and a ritual deposition area. We think this destruction must stop now, or there will be no archaeology left for future generations to investigate.

Freinds of Thornborough urge everyone to sign our petition on

In the future many will want to come and see this marvelous ritual landscape, it is OUR job to make sure it survives."

This was cut back to two or three lines for the broadcasts.

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Posted by BrigantesNation
5th November 2003ce

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Re: TV Show (daveyravey)

3 replies:

Re: TV Show (BrigantesNation)
Beware the sweeping statement ... (FourWinds)
Triple henges (Pete G)

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