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Re: Unhenged
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Thanks ...

The area is maybe the size of Rombald's Moor. There's nobody else taking an interest. I'm finding stuff faster than it is being destroyed, but that process of discovery sets in train an antagonistic reaction from the unruly landowners. I need to write an academic article for a peer-reviewed journal - but that prospect is about as appealling as maths homework used to be. I remember one of the farmers saying to me 'will you stop finding things, please'. He owns the copper mine and maybe half a dozen cupmarked stones.

There's an empty valley, two miles by one, where I know there'll be interesting stuff, over the hill from the Grey Yauds, but I've not had the time to even get there once (etc). I read through the commentary on Tom Lethbridge's books, not far from here, at the weekend, and looked at the pictures of the covers of his books trying to remember which ones I'd taken out of Benwell Library, nearly thirty years ago. He talked about the archaeologists' trade union attitude. Without seeing it in action I just wouldn't have believed it !

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Posted by BlueGloves
27th October 2003ce

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Re: Unhenged (Earthstepper)

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