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Re: What is a Henge?
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Durrington Walls is pretty circular and the Studfold Ring may be a henge, although there is no evidence of antiquity and it is generally thought to be no older than the Iron Age. If the ring was a henge then it was severly modified during in later ages.
The reason I asked for a location of a none circular henge is that I believe the circle/elipse is the essential geometry of any henge and was part of the belief systems of the people who built these beautiful monuments.
Linear monuments such as cursus seem to be part of a different way of looking at the world. This view of the world , for me, marks the difference between the early & late neolithic, another example being the move from long barrows to round barrows.

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Posted by fitzcoraldo
26th October 2003ce

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Re: What is a Henge? (BrigantesNation)

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