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Re: What is a Henge?
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Yeah the 'hanging' thing's annoying. Not sure we'll get far calling em summat different though.

If you've not already read em, the Burl book Jane quoted is quite interesting & gives some opinions etc but is (unsurprisingly) inconclusive. Francis Pryor talks about em quite a lot in bits of 'Seahenge' too but you've probably read that (I'd hesitate to recommend it if you haven't, I find it a bit annoying).

I guess Mike Pitts's 'Hengeworld' might talk about it a bit.... (But Ive never read it.)

We also had a bit of a discussion in a long thread called summat like 'Ritual Landscapes' a few months ago. Sure none of this helps, but it's the best I can do.



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Posted by Moth
26th October 2003ce

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Re: What is a Henge? (Earthstepper)

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