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Re: Stone Shifting
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I'll deal with your last point first, my instinct is to follow what we know of the original, Three vertical sides one sloping side. Now I'm guessing, erect the stone from the sloping side, but make the last foot or so of the sloping side vertical. Set up the system so that the stone has rotated to almost vertical as it enters the last foot or so of the hole. The stone should then slam up against the vertical side and be prevented from toppling forward by the vertical bit of the sloping side.

First point, or was it the second? Its bank holiday Monday so I opened the bar early. 32ft stone, 8ft deep hole, now do I take the 8 from the 32 and divide then add a bit, or devide (Sorry the spellings getting a bit wonky) the 32 then take away the 8 and then add a bit? Where's our maths man? Told you I was a trial and error man, anyway we can get there either way trial and error or maths.

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Posted by GordonP
25th August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (nigelswift)

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Re: Stone Shifting (BlueGloves)

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