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Re: Stone Shifting
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Your probably right Nigel. I'm not much good with pen and paper, I seem to work almost entirely by trial and error.

As regards the job of brakeman being dangerous, I'm quite prepared to try 40 tons on a slope of 1 in 8 single handed. The time lapse between it gathering enough momentum to reach me and my being able to escape would be plenty long enough. Anyway within a split second of it being released if the levermen were well practised it would be moving in the other direction. I have already done it with 4 ton and I know more about it now than I did then. In retrospect I think I'll try it with 10 tons first.

I was talking to a farmer a couple of years ago and he was most dismissive of the greased slipway idea. Being a farmer his first thought was "How many herds of cattle would they have had to render down to do it that way" It was an angle that had never occurred to me.

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Posted by GordonP
24th August 2003ce

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Stone Shifting (nigelswift)

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