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Re: Stone Shifting
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I only said "threaten" anyway one of the reasons I'm still at the museum is the thought that the site might be useful to my project. I sold up my little business a couple of years ago mainly so I could be free to think about this project, so I now have a proper job for the first time since 1969. Regarding this charity lark, my main worry is that the whole project might not be taken seriously, that it might actually be compared to a charity leg waxing. Believe me, to me this is deadly serious. However I'm still waiting to hear what the others have to say.

I think a few of us are now beginning to think that after a bit of practise with the 10 tonner, we might actually succeed with the big one. So I'll let you know what I am now thinking, I now want us to think about erecting the whole Trilithon in a single day!!! That would hit the front pages world wide. No Nigel I'm not drunk

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Posted by GordonP
23rd August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (Steve Gray)

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Re: Stone Shifting (GordonP)

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