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Re: Stone Shifting
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Linking the fund raising to a charity has at least four benefits. Firstly Joe Public would be much happier to support some "hair-brained stone-shifting project" if the proceeds go to charity. He would probably view it in the same vein as someone having an all-over body waxing for charity. Secondly, a national charity has publicity contacts and they are used to promoting events. Thirdly, the media would be more likely to cover a charity fund raising event that promised to be "a bit of a laugh" than someone just trying to prove a point. Fourthly, I think beer money would be a legitimate expense for those involved in actually moving the stone(s).

I have a friend who is a camera man for Sky News. When I discussed your project with him he though it would probably be of interest to a regional TV news program, but not the national news. This is the problem you are facing; making the event sufficiently news-worthy to attract the big boys. If you can make it attractive to them, my friend at Sky would know who to talk to.

Perhaps you need to do the 10 ton project soon and then plan for the full trilithon next summer as a major publicity exercise. I don't see the money as a problem. We (I for one) should be able to come up with a few hundred pounds.

How much would you need to do the 10 ton project? Can't you get a 10 ton stone from a local quarry for less than the £500 of concrete? 10 tons is small enough to be delivered by tipper truck. As far as insurance is concerned surely we just each sign a waiver saying that we accept our own risk.

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Steve Gray
Posted by Steve Gray
22nd August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (GordonP)

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Re: Stone Shifting (GordonP)

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