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Re: Yay!
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Sooner or later we will need someone from the academic world, tell your son OK.
I am in Derby right in the centre of the country, so I can cover a large area, although I will probably have to visit whatever site we use on several occasions before the actual experiment.
Some thoughts on what we will need.
The site.
A stone. ( I think 10 tons would be ideal to start with, preferably of a similar shape to the sarsens)
Levers, these should be recently felled green wood. I used Larch last time and it worked well.
Support logs and fulcrum logs. (anything log shaped)
Like you said, once we have got the hang of moving the stone we can do a demo for the academics and perhaps gain their support for the erection experiment.
Regards Gordon

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Posted by GordonP
18th August 2003ce

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Re: Yay! (nigelswift)

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