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Re: definition of Sacred?
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>or else you deny 'sacred' as a concept. because it is that; a concept.

That`s the one.

I can understand a ManU fan calling Old Trafford sacred.....jokingly.....because then he/she would be implying that it had some connection with a deity. That is the way that the word has become to be used outside of a religious context, i.e, to imply that that it *has* got some spiritual connection, even though we wouldn`t normally regard it as having so.

So, when `sacred landscapes` is mentioned, I immediately regard it as meaning a landscape with some sort of religious significance, I don`t see what else it can mean. As the word`s root *is* from religion and that is still it`s primary place (within religion), to use it other than in a religious context is misleading.


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Posted by baza
30th July 2003ce

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definition of Sacred? (morfe)

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