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Prospidnick Longstone
Paging Mr McG!
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Thanks for the confirmation of my relative sanity ocifant!

When I click on a TMA homepage pic or whatever rather than navigating to a page I always try to remember to check the 'breadcrumbs' showing where I am on the site.

It's a good habit to get into coz it means we can all help make sure folks can find all the relevant entries if they're visiting an area & go in through the map etc.

I do it since sticking an RSC in the 'wrong' place myself (brings tears to the eyes) and having to ask the Holy one to sort it out.

I also realised that when I inadvertantly put something in as a sub-site it didn't appear in the 'navigation-indexy-type-linky-bits' you come to when navigating from the map - which is a bummer.

(You can tell I'm a professional web editor from my commanding use of that last bit of jargon can't you...?)


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Posted by Moth
11th June 2003ce

2 replies:

Re: Paging Mr McG! (Moth)
Re: Paging Mr McG! (pure joy)

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