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Re: Dead chuffed!
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Oooh yer lucky bugger!

Can you tell us what sort of size it is or any more about it? I’m never quite sure what qualifies as a ‘portable’ or not. There are many stones on Rombald’s that could be lifted and spirited away by a couple of people or one person with lifting gear (I’m surprised they haven’t been). I wonder how big a stone has to be before it stops being a portable and just becomes ‘not earthfast’
And what was the legendary Stan like – I have an image of him having a fondness for cups of tea and cake ;-)


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Chris Collyer
Posted by Chris Collyer
5th June 2003ce

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Dead chuffed! (pebblesfromheaven)

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Re: Dead chuffed! (pebblesfromheaven)

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