Waun Lwyd Stones forum 1 room
Image by postman
Waun Lwyd Stones

not quite a pair


I know of two face-aligned stone pairs in Orkney. By coincidence I just added one (The Round) last night and the associated dwelling has a well by its side and two others in close proximity. The other is Leafea, very near which is the Brockan settlement with a spring and a well (though I should mention that this whole area to the W of Stromness has quite a few wells and springs anyway).

That's interesting, wideford. I don't think I've heard about such aligned stones before. I wonder if it was an aesthetic thing. or something symbolic that they were facing each other. Or (now in the realms of wild speculation) to do with sound? How far apart were your Scottish ones? These are eight metres - I guess that's quite a distance. hm.

On the subject of the springs, I guess you're right - there are a lot of springs in the world and you have to put your stones somewhere. It was just the double nature of the springs that took my attention. Though they may be much more recently sprung up than the stones of course.