The Burren forum 2 room
Image by bogman
The Burren

Calling ryaner


Looks like you had some fun in Clare! Great to see that you got to some of the other Parknabinnia tombs. That complex (including with Leana) is amazing. I must get back that way again myself to mop up the remaining Burren wedges.

FourWinds wrote:
Looks like you had some fun in Clare! Great to see that you got to some of the other Parknabinnia tombs. That complex (including with Leana) is amazing. I must get back that way again myself to mop up the remaining Burren wedges.
Yeah, went on a mad one, about 50 sites in 2 and a half days. What a place! Throw a stone in the Burren and its bound to land on a site.
Parknabinnia is great but the terrain is terrible; grass covered grykes (great name) waiting to swallow you up or break your ankle. I wanted to get to more on Roughan Hill but found the going too tough.