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Folklore Posts by stubob

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Men Scryfa (Standing Stone / Menhir)

This stone, supoosedly marks the burial place of Ryalvran, who is said to have died here fighting for the recovery of his fathers land.
His opponent is unknown, although it's thought he occupied Lescudjack Castle around 400-500AD.

Drift Stones (Standing Stones)

2 sisters turned to stone for not going to church.

Maen Castle (Cliff Fort)

The giant Myen Du was said to live at Maen Castle near Land's End, and the fairy folk called Coopers banged stones together to warn the inhabitants of St. Ives that rich shoals of fish were approaching.

Nine Stones Close (Stone Circle)

The site is also known as the Grey Ladies and on moonlit nights folklore says that ' the stones spin and dance.'
A Derbyshire Antiquarian writing in the 19th Century told of a farm labourer who while resting at the stones found an old clay pipe. He cleaned it out and began smoking his tobacco. 'A peculiar and delicious scent' came from his pipe, he then noticed by one of the stones that the ground had become transparent, and when he gazed into it he saw a beautiful world. More colourful than anything he had seen, with gaily dressed small people.
Fairies are mentioned in many of the local tales of the stones, from fairy dances to the playing of pipes.
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Dolphin trainer for the MoD.

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