The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Skara Brae

Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork


Very sterile feeling. A human conveyor belt of tourists coming and going. I was invited down in there after a long chat with the archaeologist stationed there.
Felt like Stonehenge and Mae's Howe. Though I did manage to have it to myself for 10 minutes by hanging around all day.
I wouldn't go again. The Barnhouse settlement 100 metres from The Stones of Stennes if far worthier a visit imo. And doesnt cost £9.
You can get a free look from a small ssection of fence by the entrance. Pretty crap though.
Theres a gate to the right of the entrance, right by the sea front fence. It's a right of way so you're allowed through it. You get a better free view this way. Just mention it's a row and the ticket masters will back off. I wasted £9.
The reconstructed house is definitely worth a look though.
harestonesdown Posted by harestonesdown
21st May 2019ce

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