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Belas Knap
Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap
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There was also that nutjob who was into swastikas that used to troll various forums with his 2012 end-of-the-world lizard bullshit who it was strongly suspected carved one on The Hellstone in Dorset some years back. He seemed to think there smoothing wrong with it and, as I recall, actually thought it would help mankind in some way. But then we know this hobby attracts all sorts! :D

I went to Winterbourne Abbas (that was his local) once and removed one that was carefully laid out in the centre, made of twigs and flowers. At least that wasn't damaging, though.

G x

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Posted by goffik
7th April 2013ce

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Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap (thesweetcheat)

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