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Re: Shakespeare's CYMBELINE
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Gosh, how exciting! Someone else into Shakespeare and Prehistory.

Cybeline was another of the stories Shakespeare took from Holinshed's Chronicles (the book that told the 'history' of the Kings (Richard 2, Henry 4, 5 and 6 and Richard 3, etc, as well as Lear, Macbeth, and Cymebline!). I have a copy of this book (sadly buried in a box somewhere) but I do seem recall the story was based on a Roman general (I know this disputes with the dates of the Roman occupation and prehistory and so I may have this wrong). Apparently this guy was real though (or folklore). Shakespeare did seem to be open to and /or influenced by pre-Christian notions and knowledge. It is amazing the subjects he touched upon and knew about.

Anyway, the other Shalespeare reason I write is, when I posted pics of the London Stone early in the summer I mentioned that I was off to see Henry V1 part 2 at Stratford which features the London Stone. So, here is my feedback. Yes, it was there! The RSC production had a kind of wicker box which Jack Cade stood on during his rebellion, waving his sword and declaring himself in charge. He didn't quite strike the stone as we are led to believe he did at the time but there were at least two people in the audience that night who waited in anticipation for the moment and were rewarded with a prehistoric monument (albeit a prop) in a Shakespeare play.

I saw Cyberline a few years back and now want to see it again. Thanks for the info. If I manage to find my Holinshed book I will investigate further.


PS: All three Henry 6s in this current production are worth a look in if you are that way inclined. A thoroughly enjoyable time in Stratford (and the stones in the Cotswolds that I posted during the summer were visited during the time of my visit to Stratford).

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Posted by Zeb
29th September 2006ce

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Shakespeare's CYMBELINE (pavel301)

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