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Uffington White Horse
Re: Hypocrisy from on high
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Just sent my missive off to them. Hope it makes them think:


I am writing to express my pure horror and disgust at the shenanigans at Uffington this past weekend.

I would remind you that the name of your organisation is the *National* *Trust*. This implies a certain trust by the nation that you will actually do what's best for the treasures in your care.

What you have allowed to happen at Uffington is descration of the worst kind. Since hearing about your sell-out to TV, I myself have been offered a sum of money to paint a figure of the Uffignton Horse (in non-destructive material) across the front of your buildings in Queen Anne's Gate in London.

I 'trust' you will have no objection to this endeavour, as I "thought long and hard about whether this was something I would want and decided it was an innovative way to raise funds for what I do".

Yours in disgust.

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Posted by ocifant
6th May 2003ce

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Re: Hypocrisy from on high (Jane)

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Re: Hypocrisy from on high (FourWinds)

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