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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling
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I'm interested in your observations about West Kennet Long Barrow as I experience a similar sensation when I go into the barrow. I've been doing it sporadically for about ten years now and it always feels the same - by its nature a dark and cavernous place. The floor is always wet and someone told me rats get in there?? (possibly invented to deter people leaving 'offerings'). I've had some wonderful moments over there but always outside the barrow - one occasion that stands out was a misty midweek morning in October when a wren flew out, sat on an entrance stone and observed me for a few moments before flying into the long grass. I think we are not really meant to be going inside chambered long barrows, if you think about it, it isn't really a natural thing to do. I much prefer to stay out in the breeze and sunlight, or starlight if at night, and leave places for the dead in peace.

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Posted by tjj
8th July 2011ce

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