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Re: Yorkshire wolds
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> How about all four?

Could be...
It's tempting of course to attribute the same use to all of them, but theres no reason why they weren't used for various purposes at different times and maybe modified by differnt people.

> odd that no one subsequetly used earthworks to make huge animal enclosures though.

hmmm.. do we know that they didn't? I know of barrows that were fenced and used as stock pens up until fairly recently.

>The one pictured is similar (two banks one ditch) to the Double Dykes at Studfold

That's the only one I've seen in that area and the dimensions match those in the final paragraph of the cattle ranching article, hence my favouring that theory, but as you say-could be all of the above.

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Chris Collyer
Posted by Chris Collyer
7th January 2003ce

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Re: Yorkshire wolds (BrigantesNation)

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