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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: The Secrets of Stonehenge
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Well perhaps one word will give a clue to exploration..'phenomenological', this perhaps is where some of the new archaeologists are coming from, experiencing the landscape through a 'thought' process of what it might have been like at that particular time of history.. It is a subjective approach, the old objective 'interpretation' of earlier archaeology has been dissed for a new modern approach;).. Julian Thomas is a phenomenologist I believe, cant say about the others, and I think MPP has been criticised to some extent for a reliance on other cultures to interpret Stonehenge... in the game of theories you can never arrive at an ultimate truth, unless of course you're Dr.Who...

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Posted by moss
2nd June 2009ce

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Re: The Secrets of Stonehenge (Gwass)

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