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Re: You too can leave your Tat inside Silbury Hill
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I did know there was a suggestion that the hill was opened with a bit of a do, the idea was it would concentrate the media attention so that education of the wider public about Silbury accompanies the dig. It would also give those that have some connection whether acrchaeological or spiritual, to pay their respects and set the project off on a good footing.

I have no idea about where this idea of putting something inside came from, perhaps it was in response to a request ?

Sadly there is a precedent of course with John Merewhether the Dean of Hereford leaving a time capsule in 1849, a pot containing Christian meeting posters an almanack, a poem, and newspaper cuttings. As it was their tunnel and the fact they proudly removed as much timber propping as they did to save cash that undermined what was this week rightly described as is 'the oldest building in Britain', I am with Cursuswalker I think it should be filled with chalk pure and simple.


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Posted by VenerableBottyBurp
4th March 2007ce

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