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Re: Is SwastikaGirl a troll? I don't think so.
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whatisthat wrote:
If we can put things in context. Goffik accused SwastikaGirl of being a nutcase and suggested that her posts be deleted. Then Littlestone, out of the blue, waded in about her nickname. Did this behaviour by your friends 'upset' you and Moth. Obviously not.

Not entirely true - I accused her of being someone she obviously isn't, and apologised. The suggestion that the (empty) posts were deleted was based on that (incorrect) assumption and the fact that they didn't have any info. These combined reasons, along with the "disputed" argument, led me my opinion. My apology was gracefully accepted.

whatisthat wrote:
I thought SwastikaGirl's reaction was restrained under the circumstances. If I had been the target then I can assure you that World War 3 would have broken out.

Hmm. Yes, but you do seem intent on having an argument! :o)

G x

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Posted by goffik
2nd October 2006ce

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