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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Stonehenge views?
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Philip Johnston wrote

Even though, as a family, we have only stopped at Stonehenge twice in 15 years, we have nevertheless seen it dozens of times.

Sigh... Philip Johnston's article and the comments on it are a hideous example of Drive-through mentality. Drive-through Safari Parks. Drive-through Restaurants and now something akin to a Drive-through (or at least past) Ancient Site.

Makes me want to scream. Might as well be done with it and have a Drive-through Stonehenge, we've got a Drive-through Avebury after all. "You want extra megaliths with that sir?"

Mind if I stick the Telegraph link on the Stones List Jim?

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Posted by Littlestone
24th July 2006ce

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Stonehenge views? (jimit)

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