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The Modern Antiquarian
Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
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If I understand you, I think you are trying to say that this is a site that is dedicated to discussing the prehistoric, whether that be sites, construction of sites, or the way of life of the people who lived in those times, etc.
Also, and this is the main point, that you wish that the very tiny minority, who constantly subvert the threads, go elsewhere, i.e. somewhere that is more relevent. Somewhere where they won't dilute the pleasure of those who wish to talk about prehistory without the diversion of dowsing, or shite, such as lizards. Somewhere that they can discuss their theories with other like-minded people, as we Modern Antiquarians wish to do.
If that is your case, then I support you.
Well said, and you are perhaps one of the few who have constructively suggested other sites for those people to turn their attentions to.

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
5th April 2006ce

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