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Re: Behind the Superficial
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Hi, VBB,

<snippety snip snip>I bet no-one mentions all the sarsens at Patney and Urchfont. Little pockets in line with the edge of Redhorn Hill !<

...which would tie in with a route along the Ridgeway past EKLB and Alton Barnes? Atkinson has the route to the west, via Coate and Etchilhampton, but I think (and have thunk) that this way might be a worthy contender: Perhaps they went this way so they could get a good long run-up at Redhorn! (and of course they wouldn't be holding up traffic on the Devizes road, either - "bleddy sarsens: out me way: Oim tryin to get to wurk!").


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Posted by Pilgrim
14th October 2005ce

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Re: Behind the Superficial (VenerableBottyBurp)

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