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Re: Amesbury Archer - How Art Made the World BB...
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>But why are you so anxious to prove that he was a Brit?<

Not anxious to prove he was a Brit at all Peter. One of the delights of Forums such as these is that ideas and theories that might otherwise be tossed out by the 'Establishment' are given a little more attention. The fact that our archer appears to have spent his childhood in Switzerland does not prove that he or his parents were originally from there. They may have been from any number of countries including Britain - simple as that.

I like your suggestion below, by the way, when you ask whether it is -

>... likely that they (the Phoenicians) travelled via the channel? Is it not more probable that they sailed up from Gibralter, along Spain, across Biscay to Britanny and then over to Cornwall?<

I think it very probable. People, especially traders, would almost certainly prefer the safer route over the faster one - the Ridgeway is another example of that.

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Posted by Littlestone
26th May 2005ce

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