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East Kennett
Re: As one barrow closes another one opens
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Nah... sorry Rihannon but that isn't alright.

Seems to me the two main arguments against opening East Kennet are 1) let's keep it 'mysterious' and 2) an excavation, even with modern methods and materials, would be 'destructive' - I don't buy either argument.

The allure of a mystery is based on ignorance - in other words you can read whatever you like into it - but an unsolved mystery never advanced our knowledge or understanding. The sometime-in-the-future-things-are-going-to-be-better argument is both true and naive. Things in the future are better because of things done in the past.

Which do you prefer, the allure of an unexcavated Sutton Hoo or the artefacts, knowledge and understanding we now have of that period? And before anyone says, "But the excavation at Sutton Hoo would have been a thousand times better had it been done today." - that is true, and it would have been a thousand times better if it could have been excavated a hundred years hence; the advancement of knowledge however doesn't work that way.

Right, it's a beautiful day and I'm gonna go kick some leaves - sunshine to you all :-)

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Posted by Littlestone
11th November 2004ce

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