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Re: Ritual Landscapes
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I think the error here is in the question. Ritual Landscapes Constructed?

I don't think you can do that ... except maybe with the exception of Silbury, but then that's not a landscape.

If such a thing existed then it was crafted with the highlighting of key points in the existing landscape. It wasn't a blank canvas. It's like staring at a hill and realising it looks like a sleeping giant, so you erect a temple to it. Add a cairn on those two hills and they becomes a pair of breasts.

I don't think one was ever created (not by man anyway :-). It's more a case of it being *realised*.

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Posted by FourWinds
1st August 2003ce

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Ritual Landscapes (morfe)

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Re: Ritual Landscapes (nigelswift)
Re: Ritual Landscapes (BrigantesNation)

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