
Clachan a Chaluim

These stones are in Calums garden. They were part of a wall and when Cal dismantled the wall he left them standing. He knows that this is a popular feature of Lewis wall buiding (ie. to incorporate existing stones into walls which were previously built). See also Joolio Geordios incursions into Clach An Trusieals history and subsequent findings.

Cal has a good grasp of local knowledge and you can knock on his door anytime to discuss local megalithic lore. We are part of a growing group who are no longer prepared to wait for the so called ‘protecting authorities’ to act. We shall restore the stones to their previous state as we see fit. Historic Scotland has failed us.


This is a great place, or rather has the potential to be much more. Looked after by Historic Scotland? I don’t think so! With heather and grass climbing all over it again, its a crying shame this hasn’t had more effort put in. There are some fantastic stones here with great shapes but slowly dissapearing. The OS report doubts that there was a cairn here, but I am sure to most folks you just have to look. Course there was! Anyway, it’s well worth a look.


Clach an Trushal
Standing Stone / Menhir

Well, coming from Borve along the road and having consulted a few of my fellow locals, it is doubtfull that the battle marker scenario carries weight. Not saying some folks don’t hold to it, but as far as I was always told it was a burial marker for a Norwegian princess who was on her way to Ireland to get married. She died on the journey and this is where they buried her at first land sight. Personally, I think that’s nonsense as has recently been proven by Joolio Geordio, Curtis etc that it is part of a larger setup. You only have to look at the other large prone stones right beside it to see that. No way was it a menhir. Check out Joolios postings on it anyway. Still an amazing place.

Auchentorlie (removed)

hi Paulus and friends,
well just a wee amendment to the travel details to the sight.coming from glasgow or from the west , there are parking spaces right beside the quarry entrance on both sides of the road 50 meters from the quarry entrance.Or, you can check with the guy at the weighbridge beside the entrance and drive up.The roads not perfect but any car will make it fine.Otherwise its a 30 minute hike all the way up.As Paulus said, the site is right at the top of the hill and is noted as an iron age fortification.Like many such sites though , it has been used by all peoples from many epochs.
Now, I have to admit that in my excitement to go see, i presumed that the carvings were on one particular boulder .So, I spent all day hunting for the elusive markings but on reflection I was standing on the darned thing looking for what was beneath my feet.So,sorry..I cant post anything interesting.Its actually the whole east facing outcrop which is pretty much overgrown.Its only when I came back and reviewed the data that I realised what a chump i had been.Anyway, shall be going back in the next few days to do some proper investigation.
cheers for now