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Cadbury Castle (South Cadbury) (Hillfort) — Fieldnotes

the Best hillfort in Britain! Absolutely stunning views of many major sites. Forget the King Arthur tosh- he didn't exist, but the setting is definately fit for a king. Much Archaeological work going on there at present, presenting new finds IA & BA. Watch for a TV progamme on the site presented by Carenza of Time Team fame in OCT/NOV, if only for the stunning shots of the site. Dont forget a fantastic BA shield was recently found there, one used in ritual and the only one found in context.Poignant as F%&*.

The Great Circle, North East Circle & Avenues (Stone Circle) — Fieldnotes

The short avenue at the NE end apparently leads to an old dried up watercourse. A water ritual? rebirth? The circles are aligned with Windmill hill and Haut Bois-and a bloody church! Seemed to feel 'closed in ' when visiting, certainly hills surround a lot of the site. More dramatic than Avebury? possibly (and possibly bigger-watch this space)

Uffington White Horse (Hill Figure) — Fieldnotes

Is it a horse? A cat? A dragon? Man those people could draw! Various visits to the site have proved it to be a very special place, and one I feel strongly connected to. The "horse' seems to be jumpimg up into the sky, or into the very steep valley adjacent to it- what ritual is this? It was a private one at least; you cant really see the horse until you're right up on it. The best vantage point being Dragon hill opposite. Dont forget the hillfort on top of the hill!
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