Go to lovebunnies.luckypro.biz/ to read about Loie and Bucky and their adventures. We’re a little bit more than middle aged couple who have each been fascinated by prehistory all our lives, and are finally getting a chance to go Driving the Stone Age. DtSA Part I was Scotland, including Harris and Orkney. Part 1.5 was southern France, during a trip not entirely devoted to stone age sites. (Menhirs, statue menhirs and the paleolithic Cave of Niau comprised our stone age sites.)
A short trip to Paris in the spring of 2004 saw us in the French National Museum of Antiquities, where the contrast between the paleolithic and neolithic rooms was a revelation.
In 2004 we visited England and France for DtSA Part II, including a marvelous tour of Avebury led by PeteG, Nigel and Jimit. Two weeks were spent in Brittany, the megalith capital of the world! DtSA Part III was the fall of 2005, when we spent a week in Campagna brushing up on historic Roman and Greek sites before spending a week on Sardinia devoted almost entirely to prehistory both Neolithic and Bronze Age. Love those Temple Wells.
We have also visited many sites in our southwest, seeing rock art and buildings of the Anasazi. And don’t forget that afternoon at Mystery Hill in New Hampshire! Bucky also spent five years as art director of the scholarly journal Biblical Archaeologist/Near Eastern Archaeology, a publication of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
This all sounds more serious than I ever realized. We’re verging on becoming fanatics and have loved every minute of it. (Well, except perhaps when we found ourselves driving through Senorbi three times trying to find an obscure site on Sardinia.)
What’s next? Anatolia? Jordan? Stay tuned, and thanks for having us in.