Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations September 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations September 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations September 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo Stone excavations August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Cuckoo stone excavations August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: GPS survey along the route of the Curcus early Sept. 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, northern ditch excavations nearing completion early Sept. 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, northern ditch excavations early Sept. 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, northern ditch excavations early Sept. 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, northern ditch excavations begin late August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, western terminus, early Sept. Completed excavations, close up of excavated terminus.
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, western terminus, early Sept. Completed excavations.
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus, western terminus, final recording early Sept. 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations, western terminus, Late August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations detail of the western terminus being excavated Late August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations begin, western terminus, Late August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus excavations begin, western terminus, Late August 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus southern ditch excavations complete early Sept 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus southern ditch being final recording before backfilling trench early Sept 2007
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus students excavating the southern ditch late August 2007.
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus southern ditch being excavated late August 2007.
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Stonehenge Circus southern ditch being excavated late August 2007.
Stonehenge Riverside Project 2007: Excavations of the Stonehenge Circus southern ditch began late August 2007
Photograph of Durring Walls North Site under excavation on the last open day September 2006. (Note Mike Parker Pearson giving a guided tour of the site).
Manchester Uni Students conducting geophysics, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students conducting Geophysics, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006
Manchester Uni Students test Pitting, the Circus (Fargo Plantation) August 2006