
The Longstone Cove

Surprised to see only a few entries to the old cove here. My first visit here in 99 was magical. As we approached the stones a December storm was brewing-the sky a boiling of black whilst the sun shone apon the stoney pair making them shine white against the apocalyptic backdrop. It looked very dramatic and made the stones seem even more lonely and special- glad to still be there and undaunted by the attention their avebury cousins get. I stayed until the rain really hammered( A double memory for me too as this was when my old para boots finally expired) The many miles took their toll- At Longstone Cove I lost my sole (sorry,sorry...)

Broome Heath Long Barrow

I went to the heath about a year ago after reading about it here and I hope that I would have distinguished the barrows were there not signs on them. The longbarrow specifically would be impressive given a little care but the heath itself is a fine ancient place and as a once-local I am just glad that there is just something here.


Had intended to go the next day but found it by mistake whilst lost (as lost as you can be on an island). So popped in for a bit with this little cromlech in its field like a daintier and much more laid-back Devils Den but clearly naughtier as the bars show. But, putting the cage from my mind it is peaceful and well worth close inspection. Both the dolmen and it’s surroundings very picturesque and photogenic from any angle. Mmmmmm...

Bryn Celli Ddu

So excited by the sight of this mound from the road I ran all the way down the path to it, all the way round it, inside at a scramble only to be stopped dead in my tracks by the fantastic stone within reminding me to take it easy, take my time and enjoy this and all the surroundings at a more mellow pace. It stands like a sentinel, a unique presence as if an altar and the reason for the chamber and mound themselves. I paid my respects and left mellowed.


Hunsbury Hill

and no-one knows/cares about it sadly. Its a bike track and place to dump old trollies and near which to burn cars. But the main point is that its still here and visible. Well mentioned.


A circle with a fantastic backdrop. Such as could be compared to the scene around Castlerigg. Lacking the awesome power of Stannon but having the titanic shoulder of Roughtor to sit on. Has outlying stones and is amidst enough glorious ancient remains to let you wander and wonder for a while.

Louden Stone Circle

Bollocks! Missed this one! Though I probably ran right past it to check out the Logan Stone here (like a magalithic surfboard left by some forgetful deity) and to see if I could spy Stannon.

Showery Tor

There on the left on the way up to Roughtor! I’m sure that’s Showery tor and I’m sure that looks like a mushroom! The gods have been at play here and they’ve made a wonder!Mmmmmmmm...

Rough Tor

Mellow out! This is a day to be enjoyed! A not-too-bad stroll up to the roof of the moors and-woah! Too much to describe, you just have to go there and be blown away in more ways than one. Spend a little time in the past as kings looking down to the green and remnants of ancient places. Everywhere I went in Cornwall thereafter I could see the tor and be reminded how lowly I was. Awesome...

The Hurlers

I ran so fast to see the Hurlers that I almost came a cropper in the hidden marshy pools all around. Not used to there being people all around I had to slow down (also to mellow the sheep). But the circle didn’t want to be walked around and admired- it wanted to be belted around to involve you in it’s petrified game. I love the moors and it’s treasures like this. Three circles together! What great things used to happen here?


So very gutted that I can’t fit through this mysterious stone- will I ever be healed of this modern day grime? I think that this visit- beyond all expectations- will help. I think that I could sit here (and become another 1 for a 1011) for a long time-wind swept, megalithic contentment.


Yes, this amazing circle exudes peace. The walk here was all moaning winds and undergrowth but the second I stepped into the circle- quiet. Only the tops of the outer stones visible but the central pillar clear and still all quite easy to run around before I discovered the calming sensation of leaning on the centre stone- mellow. Well worth the rain.


I can ignore that. There is a real sense of place here and in the whispering winds I can still feel it. Less of a pretty site and more of a place of raw power- awesome and rugged. So much imagination can be put to the other stones which surrond, standing and lying. I’m sure we passed through at least two ruined circles on the road leading up, too. Lots to think about and this large and impressive circle still here and central to it all. Rough, tufted fun.


Oh, yes and I am hooked! Such a shame that someone shoved a village in it but when I think of the utter peace of mind I feel when I sit within the henge, on a pub bench with a cold beer- it’s almost less of a tragedy (but, not quite). But, up there, on the South-West bank with a view down to the stones, across to the avenue and away to Silbury Hill- that’s where I’ll be. Oh, yes.


All of these fantastic sites (though Castlerigg is currently only viewed at a jump or over a gate due to the evil F & M) but in any local shop there is no aknowledgement that any of it exists. Good if you want a bit of tweed or a random fluffy toy but not even a postcard of this ancient eyefest. How can you visit this region and not see this? Wow, I say...yeh, I’ll come back when the war is over to run around this good!