Sites within Clorhane

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Image of Clorhane (Wedge Tomb) by bawn79

Looking north you get a good idea of the tombs size id say its between 5-7 metre long.

Image credit: Bawn79



This tomb is just off the road not far from Adare. Turn right it adare and follow a winding road (I would recommend an OS map and a GPS). There is a place to park across from the gate into the field. The tomb is two fields in from the road. There will be a ring-fort on your left as you walk south towards the tomb (in the adjacent field) and this is not marked on the map.
The tomb points east-west and there is a mound to the east that is also not marked on the map.
It is about 5-7m in length and is made from an unusual looking rock for a wedge tomb. There are a lot of rock outcrops in the area and many stones lying about. I think with a bit of imagination some of them could be the remains of tombs/rows.

Sites within 20km of Clorhane