
Image of Shelley Common (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Middle barrow....... or what’s left of it.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Shelley Common (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Northern barrow..... looking approx north.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Shelley Common (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

The northern round barrow, towards Shelley. The rucksack highlights there’s not much left now... but a great spot nonetheless.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Shelley Common (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

In passing you wouldn’t think there was anything here... but look closely and the southern barrow of the trio is clear, centre left of image. Viewed from one of the bridges across Cripsey Brook.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Shelley Common

Even a cursory glance will reveal that there are many, many impressive monuments logged upon this web-site. Sadly, the Shelley round barrows, near the small Essex town of Chipping Ongar, are not among them. At least not if physical form is considered to be the prime criterion, the trio barely surviving – in a severely denuded state – beside the meandering Cripsey Brook. But hey, something is better than nothing. And, of course, there are other selection criteria...

That time, or to be more specific, succeeding generations of farmers, haven’t accorded these monuments any favours, would, at first glance, appear to go without saying. But that would perhaps not tell the whole story, for the siting remains idyllic, particularly upon a sunny, late Spring afternoon. A farm still occupies the rise to the east, beyond the water course crossed by two – count ‘em – bridges, the track eventually arriving at the tiny settlement of Shelley. Here, a church claims the physical high ground, arguably in lieu of the moral equivalent? To be honest this is where I expected to find the barrows, charging across the more-substantial-looking-bridge before realising my mistake.

The northern mound is arguably the best preserved, for what it’s worth. But perhaps that is just splitting hairs, for the landscape... and the suggestion of what once was.... is sometimes more than enough. So if you happen to find yourself at Chipping Ongar, take the Moreton Road northwards out of town. Just past Bridge House, on your right, it is possible to park a car by the entrance to a bridleway. Advance down this to a gate and the Shelley Barrows are to be found a little way before the near bank of the brook, to the left. At least they were last time I looked. Just about.....


Shelley Common
Round Barrow(s)

This news story at This is local London describes a sighting of ‘a large black animal’ -which would be in the vicinity of the barrows. The newspaper puts it down to the modern legend of the big cat ‘beast of Ongar’ but (why not) I’d like to suggest it’s a Black Dog associated with the barrows themselves. Essex (and East Anglia generally) has a number of supernatural black dogs, don’t you know.

Sites within 20km of Shelley Common