
Image of Stane Park (Standing Stone / Menhir) by billhume

If you have a pair of those red/blue glasses, you know, the ones with which you watch 3d films (e.g. Shrek), then hunt them out and see this stone in 3D.
Bill Hume.

Image credit: Bill Hume 2008


Stane Park

This massive stone – 2.6m high and about 4m circumference at the base – sits close to the River Irvine.

Not the most attractive standing stone I’ve seen!

Visited 19 November 2004

Stane Park

This is one of the very few ancient sites of interest in Ayrshire.
Having been born and raised in this area I have always wondered why there is such a lack of ancient sites in this county, afterall, its low lying plains are extremley rich and fertile, and to this day it is one of Scotland’s most arable counties, and bounded by the Firth of Clyde to the west, where there are a multitude of estuaries rich in shellfish and widfowl, it would have been a heaven to our ancestors.

A clue to this conundrum may lie a few Kms southish of the Stane Park monolith in the shape of Dundonald hill, with the tower of Royal Dundonald Castle commanding the local countryside on top.
Recent excavations at this site have shown that this fortress was an important power base, with almost constant usage going back to the stone age.

Could it be that as ecological conditions remained suitable for our ancestors to thrive in this area that the ancient monuments were not abandoned as else where but underwent a succession of changes on the same site and to this day lie waiting to be discovered
beneath the forts and farms of Ayrshire?

Stane Park

From Irvine follow the B7081 to Dreghorn. At the cross (traffic lights) turn right and follow the road B730 about 2Kms to Drybridge. Turn right in the village and the Stone is in the farmers field on your left hand side.

It stands alone in the area, at 9-10 ft tall and is very chunky, almost square.

Sites within 20km of Stane Park