
Image of Bee Garden Earthwork (East) (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by pure joy

Bee Garden Earthwork (East) – 7.8.2003 – Not easy to photograph!

Image credit: Martin Bull


Bee Garden Earthwork (East)

Bee Garden Earthwork (East) – 7.8.2003

The Car park at SU993635 is as good a place as any to start from. This is on the west side of the road that goes from Stonehill Road across the south edge of the common. There are several ways to get to the interestingly entitled earthwork. The small track from the main road at SU993636 is not really very obvious but it will get you to the earthwork in a small clearing. Or you may prefer to take the wider track from opposite the car park and then walk North on the footpath and hope to spot it from there.

This earthwork, on the far south of the common, seemed really small (maybe 30m square) and consists of a small bank and ditch with a raised and heavily vegetated interior.

Sites within 20km of Bee Garden Earthwork (East)